How to Find Your Own Mr. Miyagi | Healthy Aging Series: S8, E10

This blog references “Triumphs of Experience”: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study,”  Written by George E. Vaillan “Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, karate good. Everything good. Balance, bad, better pack up, go home. Understood?” Mr. Miyagi “First learn stand, then learn fly. Nature rule, Danielson, not mine.” Mr. Miyagi “Lesson not…

Live Life While You’re Alive, No One Will Survive | Healthy Aging Series: S8, E9

This blog features “It’s All About Me,” by Mel Brooks My father hated the fall. “Everything is dying,” he would tell me. He wasn’t a pessimistic person. He didn’t complain a lot about getting older, at least not to me. He was proud of his nine children. He loved his 25+ grandchildren. But fall, I’m guessing,…

Alcohol and Aging Bodies

Alcohol is Poison: At Least That’s What Some Experts Are Saying | Healthy Aging Series: S8, E8

Pat Morita, who played Mr. Miyagi was an alcoholic, and his alcoholism contributed to the loss of his health, the loss of a career, and eventually contributed to a shortened life.  We looked at his life in a previous blog. I want to expand this topic of alcohol and aging and see what light the…