Intensive Parent Behavior Training (IPBT)
Are you struggling with your child’s behaviors and looking for strategies to increase cooperation and decrease tantrums?
Does your child have meltdowns in the home and in public places, like restaurants and grocery stores?
Is it nearly impossible to get your child to perform simple chores or to do something as simple as getting ready for bed?
Does your child have a major tantrum when he/she doesn’t get what he/she wants all the time?
All children need to learn two things in life:
- They don’t get what they want all the time, and
- They have to do some things that they don’t want to do.
Easy Does It!
In this program, we use the Easy-Does-It approach! Parents will learn to select simple behaviors as an initial focus and reward each of the small steps that their child achieves towards reaching a larger goal (this concept is called “successive approximations”.) We also focus on NOT accidentally reinforcing challenging behavior.
Grandma’s Rule
Parents will also learn to use their child’s privileges, such as television or playtime, to get them to do the things they don’t want to do. This is called the Premack Principle, or Grandma’s Rule.
Stay Calm!
Across all of these strategies, the therapist emphasizes that consequences should be administered calmly, immediately, and consistently, and balanced with encouragement for positive behaviors.
School and Community
In addition to positive reinforcement and limit setting in the home, many IPBT programs incorporate collaboration with the child’s teacher to track behavior in school and link it to the reward program at home.
Another common element of many IPBT programs is preparing parents to manage problem behaviors in situations that are typically difficult for the child, such as being in a public place. We help you develop a plan for public places!!
Skills, Skills, Skills!
Some of the behaviors and skills that are addressed using IPBT:
- Executive Functioning Skills
- Improving Academic Skills
- Improving Classroom Skills
- Improving Social Skills
- Improving Basic Home and Self-Care Skills