“The sooner you become more health conscious, the more likely you’ll live a long and healthy life.” Ready to become more health conscious now? This series of blogs is written by Mark Neese, LCSW, BCBA. To see more entries in this series, click here.

True North Counseling, Healthy Aging Series, Aging with an Attitude

The Gift of Clarity | Healthy Aging Series: S11 E3

Many years ago (now I sound like I’m writing a folk tale.)… Many years ago, when my sons were little and Derrick was four or five years old, it was a beautiful Sunday morning and we were walking into church from the parking lot. Derrick had his hands full of I-Joe’s. That was his way…

True North Counseling, Healthy Aging Series, Joseph Pilates

Joseph Pilates: The Quiet Revolutionary | Healthy Aging Series: S11 E2

I watched the Mike Tyson/Jake Paul fight last night. It’s probably the first professional fight I’ve watched in 20 years, maybe even longer. As a new therapist in 1997, I was working for the community health center, and I was mesmerized by Mike Tyson. I remember watching him bite off the ear of Evander Holyfield….

True North Counseling, Healthy Aging Series, Mark Neese, Aging with an Attitude

How to Become a Cynic | Healthy Aging Series: S11 E1

November 5, 2024. The sky did not fall. OK, OK, take a chill pill. I know what you’re going to say. The presidential election is a big deal. I agree! I voted.  It seems like elections these days tend to create hostility, not just among strangers, but even between families and friends. And maybe even…

Mark Neese, True North Counseling, Healthy Aging Series Season 11

Healthy Aging Series: Season 11 Teaser!

I don’t know when I first watched, “The Blues Brothers.” It came out in 1980, but I was in Bible College then, so I’m kinda thinking I didn’t watch it in the theater because the college I went to had strict rules about not going to the theater, although they did approve going to see,…

True North Counseling, Mark Neese, True North Blog

How to Make 2025 Your “Bubble” Year

                  My 13th birthday was unremarkable. Nineteen Sixty-nine was full of important events. Joe Namath led the Jets to victory over the Colts in the Super Bowl that year, 16 to 7. Richard Nixon was inaugurated as president of the United States. Katherine Hepburn and Barbara Streisand…

Healthy Aging Series, Mark Neese, True North Counseling,

Your Brain Has a Mind of Its Own | Healthy Aging Series: S10 E22

My 50th high school reunion is in a couple weeks. Hard to believe. 50 years gone…<Snapping my fingers>… just like that. I hope I’ve grown a little, improved a little. I hope I’ve become a little kinder and a little more considerate. Maybe, even more responsible. The upcoming reunion triggered some high school memories. Some…

True North Counseling, Healthy Aging Series, Super Agers

How to be a Super Ager | Healthy Aging Series: S10 E21

My Parents Loved Books My mother taught me to love books. She was reading all the time. The first book she gave me was a copy of Mila 18 by Leon Uris.  I was a Junior in High School, and I would sit in the back of Government Class and read it during class. Sorry…

Healthy Aging Series Season 10 Episode 20

How to Parent Your Parent | Healthy Aging Series: S10 E20

You are your parents! Well, not exactly, but your parents will determine who you are and what you do for almost your whole life. Mostly. How do you feel about yourself? Thank your parents. How do you save or spend money? Thank your parents. What kind of car do you drive? Thank your parents. (And…

Mark Neese, True North Counseling, Healthy Aging Series, It's All About the Engine

Your Brain on Nature | Healthy Aging Series: S10 E19

I hate the State Fair! It’s hot. I hate the rides. Rommie, my wife, loves the quilts. OK, I enjoy the photography. But overall, I hate going to the State Fair. I don’t think I even took my boys when they were young. I don’t remember them even asking to go. I don’t know, it’s…

Mark Neese, Healthy Aging Series, True North Counseling

The Unluckiest Lottery | Healthy Aging Series: S10 E18

I Got Lucky I almost burned down a church once. Okay, okay, relax. It was an accident. I was the pastor of a little Baptist church in Arch, New Mexico. That was forty years ago. One of my duties as the young pastor was to baptize new converts. The baptistry was behind the pulpit area…