diet confusion

Diet Confusion and Why We’re Getting Fatter

A few years back I was working on a certification as a Holistic Nutrition Consultant. I read dozens and dozens of books (probably closer to 100) about nutrition. I read a book or two on every diet out there and even practiced being a Vegan for 6 months. After reading more books, I tried Keto. I read books about Paleo, The Zone, the South-Beach Diet, the Aztec Diet, the Whole Food Diet and many more. Currently, I’m reading the Whole30 Diet.

Here is what they all share in common:

1. Stop eating sugar.

This means, stop eating sweets and it means stop eating processed foods that have sugar added to them. We eat way, way, way too much sugar. It’s killing us.

2. Stop eating refined carbohydrates.

Really, all processed food. Of course, this includes sugar, but it also includes the things that we eat that act like sugar, high glycemic and high glycemic load foods. Many starches and grains fit into this category, like breads and pastas. This also includes packaged foods that have a lot of hidden sugars in them.

3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

Most of us do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, and most of our micronutrients come from them. With the exception of Paleo, not one diet said, “Stay away from Fruits and Vegetables.” Paleo says to restrict the amount of fruit that you eat.

4. Eat animal and plant protein.

With the exception of Vegan and Vegetarian diets, all other diets allow animal protein, and most allow dairy and eggs. Even the Whole Food Plant-Based diet, supported by the founder of Whole Foods, John Mackey, allows for animal protein (10% of your diet). There are numerous new books that advocate not eating animal protein, but none have the evidence to support that restriction.

5. Every book I read supported and encouraged exercise, both aerobic and resistance training.

Some supported a type of fasting. It’s interesting that there is evidence for the idea that exercise and fasting lead to insulin sensitivity (the opposite of insulin resistance -Type II diabetes). So, eating right and exercise protect from chronic disease.

6. All of the diets advocate for a dietary-lifestyle-change and insisted that weight loss was not the goal of their plan.

They argued rather, that their diets were intended as a way of life. After all, we develop patterns and habits that perpetuate our health problems.

7. None of the books provided a plan for sustaining the lifestyle that they were promoting.

“The Beck Diet Solution, by Judith Beck” was the only book that provided a 30-day plan for maintaining your lifestyle changes. Beck utilized Cognitive Behaviors Therapy in her book to address our sabotaging thoughts.

8. If you’re over 40, eat more protein.

I recently listened to a series of lectures on “Improving Body Composition.” The takeaway from these lectures was that as we age, we need to eat plenty of protein, possibly twice the amount previously told. This makes sense! We begin losing muscle around age forty and therefore need to eat plenty of protein to maintain our muscle mass.

9. If you’re eating right, you probably don’t need a supplement.

On a recent podcast by Dr. Rhonda Patrick, she recommended taking one as insurance. I think it’s a good idea.

10. The best books strongly encouraged people to enjoy the food they ate.

I think it’s a tragedy that food has become such a villain. I don’t think they meant that people should enjoy eating junk food and enjoy overeating. We stress out about food all the time. It’s nice to slow down and, in a mindful way, consider the wonder and beauty of food. Relax. Eat. Relax.

Nutritional and Medical Disclaimer for True North Counseling, LLC

In viewing this website (and blog), it is assumed that you understand and acknowledge that the services and information, provided by True North Counseling, LLC may involve recommendation to improve your general health, fitness and well-being, including nutrition/diet advice and suggestions for physical activity.  In accepting this information, understand that it is under your best discretion to be respectful to your body when engaging in physical activity and/or changing dietary habits. It is recommended to consult with your primary physician before starting any new/recent exercise or eating routine and to get annual check-ups to assess current health and fitness status. Do not overlook the importance of having a team-approach when health is involved. Regular visits with both your physician and registered dietitian will allow you to create the best possible, balanced approach in meeting health and performance/fitness goals.


frontier diet

The Frontier Diet

Aka The Mark Neese Diet.

I didn’t coin this phase and it’s really not a diet. Rather, it’s a mindset. I seriously doubt that people on the Frontier ate all that well. I’m guessing that they had periods of starvation during times of famine. They ate whatever they grew or killed, depending on its availability. So life was probably very hard, living on the frontier.

It helps to contrast that with the way most modern Americans eat and probably many modern humans. We have plentiful amounts of food today. Rarely, is there a seasonal shortage.

Why would I use the notion of “The Frontier Diet” to describe a diet that I would never promote? I guess it’s because despite the lack of availability, people on the Frontier probably ate better than modern humans. They ate food from their gardens and took game from the fields, not from grocery stores and fast food restaurants. The Frontier Diet is a way of eating that chooses simple and whole foods rather than processed food.  When I speak of The Frontier Diet, I really mean trying to eat the way people ate on the frontier prior to industrial and processed foods, boxed foods, TV dinners, all the food that’s in the center aisles of the grocery store, and probably in the frozen section as well.

The Frontier Diet means eating “simple” foods. Food that is less milled, less processed, with less ingredients, with no salt added, no sugar added, no preservatives added, no colors added, and no growth hormones and antibiotics.

I’ve gotten into the habit of looking at what other people are putting in their grocery carts. I notice lots of processed food. Lots! I understand that people are tired and want to come home and quickly prepare a meal for their families. The price for that convenience is that 66% of Americans are overweight or obese. Nearly 20% of children and adolescents between 2-19 are obese. We have got to do things differently.

I started The Whole30 Diet this month.

My wife started it too. I’m half-way through the 30 days. Basically, I avoid anything with added sugar. I did not realize I was getting as much sugar as I was. It’s been added to everything. I avoid grains, especially refined flour. I do miss bread. Eating white bread is almost like eating sugar. I avoid legumes and dairy. I can give up beans and I had given up cheese 3 months ago. Plus, I never drink milk, so no biggie!

We have a vegetable steamer and we use it almost every day. We use ghee to sauté our meats and vegetables and we have fruit with every meal, including breakfast. When we shop at the grocery store, we look closely at the food labels. They must read: “includes 0g added sugar” and NOT have ‘sugar’ in the list of ingredients.

How has the Whole30 diet been going? Well, it’s still early but my average Systolic BP has dropped 10 points as has my Diastolic BP. I’ve lost weight. I’m getting blood work done soon and I’ll share the results when I get them. That said, you are what you eat. Maybe the Frontier Diet isn’t for you but getting away from all of the processed food can’t hurt.

Nutritional and Medical Disclaimer for True North Counseling, LLC

In viewing this website (and blog), it is assumed that you understand and acknowledge that the services and information, provided by True North Counseling, LLC may involve recommendation to improve your general health, fitness and well-being, including nutrition/diet advice and suggestions for physical activity.  In accepting this information, understand that it is under your best discretion to be respectful to your body when engaging in physical activity and/or changing dietary habits. It is recommended to consult with your primary physician before starting any new/recent exercise or eating routine and to get annual check-ups to assess current health and fitness status. Do not overlook the importance of having a team-approach when health is involved. Regular visits with both your physician and registered dietitian will allow you to create the best possible, balanced approach in meeting health and performance/fitness goals.

added sugar

Added Sugar – It’s in Everything!

If you want to read a life-changing book, read “Pure, White, and Deadly: How Sugar is Killing Us and What We Can Do to Stop It,” by John Yudkin. Actually, the book will change the way that you look at sugar. And what happened to Yudkin during the 1970s, will change the way that you look at the politics of food. Yudkin asserted that sugar was the culprit and cause of Coronary Heart Disease. However, others believed that saturated fats were the leading cause. Yudkin lost the debate, and as H. Lustig, M.D. wrote in the introduction of Yudkin’s new edition,

“The Pharisees of this nutritional holy war declared Keys (proponent of the saturated fats theory) the victor, Yudkin a heretic and a zealot, threw the now discredited Yudkin under the proverbial bus, and relegated his pivotal work to the dustbin of history, as this book went out of print and virtually disappeared from the scene. The propaganda of “low-fat” as the treatment for heart disease was perpetuated for the next thirty years.

I reread this book. I was moved again.

Thankfully, the scientific community has had an epiphany: Sugar is killing us.

Nutritionists and researchers have taken a closer look at sugar. Let’s look at their current findings:

  1. The higher the intake of added sugar, the higher the risk for heart disease. If you’re getting 20% of calories from added sugar, you have almost a 40% higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
  2. The higher the intake of added sugar, increases the likelihood of developing a fatty liver. This of course contributes to diabetes.
  3. Consuming too much added sugar can raise blood pressure.
  4. Consuming too much added sugar increases chronic inflammation. Drinking one can of soft drink daily can increase inflammatory markers, insulin resistance, and LDL cholesterol.
  5. Eating too much sugar can cause weight gain, which increases your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

We can stop there. I think you see the point. Consuming too much added sugar is not good. Read Yudkin’s book. Think about your consumption of sugar. If you include the sugar that is added to your food with your consumption of table sugar, you are most likely eating over 100 lbs. of sugar a year. That’s 20 times what our recent ancestors ate.

No wonder we’re such a mess.

Nutritional and Medical Disclaimer for True North Counseling, LLC

In viewing this website (and blog), it is assumed that you understand and acknowledge that the services and information, provided by True North Counseling, LLC may involve recommendation to improve your general health, fitness and well-being, including nutrition/diet advice and suggestions for physical activity.  In accepting this information, understand that it is under your best discretion to be respectful to your body when engaging in physical activity and/or changing dietary habits. It is recommended to consult with your primary physician before starting any new/recent exercise or eating routine and to get annual check-ups to assess current health and fitness status. Do not overlook the importance of having a team-approach when health is involved. Regular visits with both your physician and registered dietitian will allow you to create the best possible, balanced approach in meeting health and performance/fitness goals.



Feed the Craving

That just about sums up the way most of us live. I noticed the sign at the entrance near my office today. It reminded me that I was craving sugar, or really bread.

We are “Craving” or spoiling ourselves to death!

Today was the third day of my attempt to follow the Whole30 Diet. After 3 days, I have a headache.

I’ll finish the 30 days because I want to be healthy, and also because there is something about NOT feeding the crave. There is something about NOT giving into all of our appetites, all of our desires, or all of our passions.

I read a book many years ago when I was taking a religious elective in college. It was, “The Freedom of Simplicity: Finding Harmony in a Complex World,” by Richard Foster. It challenged me to take a look at my life and think about ways to simplify it. Foster encouraged his readers to consider ways to divest themselves of things, events, friends, and ideas that eventually rob them of serenity. We believe that attaining wealth, friends, status, or attending the next concert will bring us happiness. We feed the cravings, but the cravings never go away. They are never satisfied.

So, I’m “Starvin’ the Cravin’” for 30 days. I’m not going to eat any table sugar or anything that has added sugar. I’m not going to eat bread (ouch) and I’m not going to eat any grains, dairy, and cheese. For the next 30 days, I’m going to go without any alcohol (boring!). I’ll do this and maybe, just maybe I’ll drop a few pounds and I’ll lower my risk of heart disease. Hopefully, I’ll get through these next 27 days and I’ll grow stronger, not just physically, but mentally.

Think about a craving that you continue to feed, but one that you’d like to starve to death.

I wrote a Blog titled The Unpopular Notion of Self-Denial in December of 2018. Here is what I wrote:

The Stoics believed that accumulating fame and fortune rarely if ever contributed to the Good Life. They believed that happiness did not come from getting the things that we desire, but rather, from learning to desire the things that we already possess. We learn to desire the things that we possess by periodically denying ourselves of them.

“We accomplish this,” writes Irvine, “by allowing ourselves to become hungry or thirsty, even though water and food are at hand, and we might sleep on a hard bed even though a soft one is available.” When we do this, Irvin asserts that we receive three benefits: 1) It will harden us against any misfortune that might befall us, 2) We will grow confident that we can handle any discomfort that might befall us, and 3) It will help us appreciate what we already have. 

In other words, Self-Denial helps us grow!! It is when we periodically deny ourselves of the things that we desire and possess, that we learn the value of our things and the value of life.

So, I’m purposely going to deprive myself from the cravings that I have with hopes that It will change me. Give it a try!

Nutritional and Medical Disclaimer for True North Counseling, LLC

In viewing this website (and blog), it is assumed that you understand and acknowledge that the services and information, provided by True North Counseling, LLC may involve recommendation to improve your general health, fitness and well-being, including nutrition/diet advice and suggestions for physical activity.  In accepting this information, understand that it is under your best discretion to be respectful to your body when engaging in physical activity and/or changing dietary habits. It is recommended to consult with your primary physician before starting any new/recent exercise or eating routine and to get annual check-ups to assess current health and fitness status. Do not overlook the importance of having a team-approach when health is involved. Regular visits with both your physician and registered dietitian will allow you to create the best possible, balanced approach in meeting health and performance/fitness goals.


Sugar. Sugar. Sugar.

If you’ve been reading my blogs, you know that I’m a Psychotherapist, and a Personal Trainer with a background in fitness and general nutrition. I am not a Registered Nutritionist (see Disclaimer below). I’ve done a lot of reading over the past 2 or 3 years and recently I have been reading about sugar.

Sugar is killing us. There I said it. I’ve written several Blogs that will be posted during the weeks leading up to Halloween and the Holidays.

Two-Thirds of Americans are overweight or obese and sugar is the primary cause. It’s addictive. Try going off sugar for 30 days. That’s what I did, and I’ll share my journey and the health benefits of getting rid of “Added Sugar.”

Here are some of the titles of the blogs this month:

Sugar – Public Enemy #1

Feed the Craving

Sugar and Acne

The Frontier Diet

Sugar and Inflammation

The Glycemic Index

No Sugar Added

How to Increase Your Insulin Sensitivity

Sugar and Your Children

Sugar and Depression

A Brief History of Sugar

Sugar and Advertising

Sugar and Slavery

Halloween -The Sugar Holiday

I also want to share some of the books I’ve been reading. These include three by Gary Taubes: Why We Get Fat, A Case Against Sugar, and Good Calories, Bad Calories.

I’ll share a book for parents about the effects of sugar on their children by Kathleen DesMaisons entitled, “Little Sugar Addicts: End the Mood Swings, Meltdowns, Tantrums, and Low Self-Esteem.

I will share a diet plan that changed the way I live and hopefully will help me live many years without hypertension, high cholesterol and without inflammation. It’s called the Whole 30 Diet. You eliminate all added sugar in your diet. I lost 20 lbs. in 5 weeks.

So, enjoy the journey. Think about the sugar you’re eating.

Nutritional and Medical Disclaimer for True North Counseling, LLC

In viewing this website (and blog), it is assumed that you understand and acknowledge that the services and information, provided by True North Counseling, LLC may involve recommendation to improve your general health, fitness and well-being, including nutrition/diet advice and suggestions for physical activity.  In accepting this information, understand that it is under your best discretion to be respectful to your body when engaging in physical activity and/or changing dietary habits. It is recommended to consult with your primary physician before starting any new/recent exercise or eating routine and to get annual check-ups to assess current health and fitness status. Do not overlook the importance of having a team-approach when health is involved. Regular visits with both your physician and registered dietitian will allow you to create the best possible, balanced approach in meeting health and performance/fitness goals.