Tag Archive for: Louisville therapist

Improving Posture Can improve your aging and quality of life

How to Look Decades Younger | Healthy Aging Series: Part 15

There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile, And he found a crooked penny and he had a crooked smile, He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse, And they all live together in a crooked little house. I remember the crooked man nursery rhyme. The image I got was…

Healthy Aging Series Part 12

Do These Five Things And I Will Predict Your Future! | Healthy Aging Series: Part 14

I’m sick and tired of watching the weather. I have a backpacking trip planed to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park this weekend and they’re predicting rain. An 80% chance of rain. I’m tempted to cancel but I’ve canceled backpacking trips before, when the local meteorologist predicted rain, and I regretted it.  Predicting the weather…


Rommie’s Thoughts on Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now

Where is your mind? Right now. In this moment. What is on your mind? Imagine picking up whatever is on your mind and setting it outside the door. It will be fine sitting there. Now, look up. What do you see? What do you hear? Notice I did not ask what you feel. I’m outside….

racial profiling

Racial Profiling and Our Youth

Time to Wake Up! Protecting our Black Youth from Racial Profiling “Racial profiling is a longstanding and deeply troubling national problem despite claims that the United States has entered a “post-racial era.” It occurs every day, in cities and towns across the country, when law enforcement and private security target people of color for humiliating…

out of the darkness

Out of the Darkness

Hank Buckwalter, his wife, Chelsea, and Rommie and I participated in the Out of the Darkness Walk this past weekend at Waterfront Park. It can be emotionally overwhelming to be in a gathering of people that are celebrating the lives and passing of their loved ones. I listened as the “Honor Beads” were given to…

2 or 3 pounds a year

The 2 or 3 Pounds a Year Club

It doesn’t sound like much: 2 or 3 pounds a year. But in ten years you’ve added 20 pounds. In 20 years, you’ve added 40 or 50 pounds, even 60.  I’ve had a membership in this club and, unfortunately, I put on 25 extra pounds in 8 years.  Many, many Americans are members of this…

seduced by sugar

Seduced by Sugar

“Prone to Wander, Oh I Feel it, Prone to Eat the Sugar I love!” I’m not sure the hymn writer intended their song to be used to illustrate the temptations of sugar, but I had to give it a try. It may not be right, but it feels right.  We are constantly seduced by sugar….

thoughtful eating

Thoughtful Eating

We take food for granted.  I know there are people in our country that are hungry. I work with many people on reduced incomes and I see them struggle to make ends meet. Poverty continues to pose a challenge for our country. Despite this, children and adolescents in low-income families are more likely to be…

in defense of doughnuts

In Defense of Doughnuts

In Defense of Doughnuts (or is it Donuts?) I was preparing for a trip to Colorado, to visit some family, when my wife and I decided we wanted a donut to celebrate. It sounds silly and somewhat contradictory, considering the number of blogs that I’ve written about the evils of sugar. We made a trip…

it's never too late

It’s Never Too Late

I’m 63. I’ve been rather serious about my health most of my adult life. This is due, in part, to the many people that have mentored me and influenced me these past decades. I see my doctor and dentist twice a year. I work out almost every day and hike and walk every week. During…