True North Counseling Park Blog

Friday Waypoints – 10/19/18

What I’ve been Watching on TV- I spent the week re-watching: Ken Burns: The National Parks: America’s Best Idea. This is such an inspiring documentary. It’s inspiring, not because of the beautiful scenery, but because of the brave and visionary people that made this park system possible. There is an overlook at the Grand Canyon…

True North Counseling Hiking

Friday Waypoints – 10/12/18

Lessons from My Clients Sometimes the lessons we learn feel negative. I learned this past week that I cannot help everyone. It is sobering. I want to help everyone, but of course, some people have been so injured, or neglected, or have been broken to the point that they are beyond my help. And the…

True North Weekly Waypoints

Friday Waypoints – 10/05/18

WELCOME TO MY WAYPOINTS! As I explained in a previous blog, Waypoints are significant events or moments from my past week that help me stay oriented as to where I am and where I’m going. Lessons from My Clients: Let your Pain (Misery) Guide You I was speaking with a foster parent this past week. She…