Friday Waypoints- 1/11/19

Job Satisfaction Every now and then something happens that makes you question yourself and what you’re doing. This week I had a brief encounter with a young man that is struggling with life. He’s living with his mother, unemployed, and bearing a mental health burden that no one deserves. My heart goes out to him…

Circadian Dis-Rhythms (Or, Why Can’t I Sleep?)

I started having problems with sleep a few years ago. Before that, I slept like a baby. I’ve learned a few things about sleep recently and I want to them share with you. I’ve learned about the importance of good sleep. And I’ve learned about sleep hygiene. “Routinely sleeping less than six or seven hours…

Friday Waypoints- 1/4/19

Four Words- Describe your Resolution in 4 Words. I started the 30-Day Well Challenge in the New York Times this week. What initially caught my eye were the four words that they used to describe the challenge: Move. Nourish. Refresh. Connect. That just about sums up life, at least the important things. They represent four…

Friday Waypoints- 12/28/18

Book I’m Reading: I picked up James Hamblin’s book, “If Our Bodies Could Talk,” to read on the plane during a recent trip. It’s great read. Think of it as an FAQ about the body. He covers topics that are interesting like, “What are dimples?” and “Why are blue eyes blue?” I particularly found his…

The Hurried Child –Are We Creating a Generation of Anxious Children?

I first read David Elkind’s book, “The Hurried Child,” while in graduate school almost 25 years ago. It provided a course of treatment for me to use with families and their children. I encouraged families to relax and limit the stress that they imposed upon their kids. This stress usually took the form of over-involvement…

Friday Waypoints- 12/14/18

Sometimes you simply need a break. I rarely get sick. Hopefully, it’s because I eat well, exercise, love my family, friends and job, and because I take care of myself. But I was under the weather this past week and I decided to take a day off. Meaningful Moments- Taking some time off I really…

A Guide to the Good Life

“A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy,” by William B. Irvine. I’m in Colorado visiting my two granddaughters as I write this. I started reading “A Guide to the Good Life” on the plane. It was one of the few times I wanted the flight to last longer. “Just let…

Friday Waypoints – 12/07/18

Books I’m Reading: I had a “down day” this week due to an Upper Respiratory something-or-other and I found myself at home reading books about Sleep. It all started because I did not get a good night’s sleep due to the medication that I was taking to help me with the coughing. As I’ve gotten older,…

Desert Therapy

7:00 AM, November 13, 2018, EC-1 (Elephant Canyon –Campsite 1), Canyonlands National Park, Utah There is nothing like the silence of the desert. This very cold morning (20 degrees) is only interrupted by the quiet hiss of the Whisperlite-butane stove heating my morning coffee. It was cold last night. I had almost all of my…

Friday Waypoints- 11/30/18

Lessons from my Clients Solomon (not his real name) reminded me that my efforts and the efforts of the team of people in his life are not in vain. Solomon is a 26-year old young man, who watched his mother murdered in front of him when he was around 5 years old. She was beaten…